TiE Atlanta Brand Refresh

Periodically, it is imperative for a company to rejuvenate its image. Particularly within the corporate sphere, revitalizing a brand and its collateral serves to attract fresh clientele, rekindle engagement with existing clients, and infuse renewed vigor into the brand's identity. In the case of TiE Atlanta's brand refresh, a comprehensive update across various elements associated with the brand was deemed necessary.

Color Palette

The Old

The old color pallet for TiE Atlanta was very simple and bland; only consisting of three colors. There were also conflicting colors and not much contrast.

The New

The goal of the new color pallet was to bring in many more options and to create contrast. The secondary colors play off and compliment the primary color options. The accent colors are meant to add contrast and allows for designs to stand out.

Brand Materials

Board Members Poster

The Old

The New

Corporate Calendar

The Old

The New

One Pager

The Old

The New


Social Templates

Environmental Contact


JBL Tear Pad Layout


Simeio LinkedIn Ads